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Hollander J., Chinta, T., Pasnin, O., Gullström M., Bouvelle, E., Imbert, J. & K. Young (in review) Inventory of seagrass meadows in the lagoon of Mauritius Island. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Amone-Mabuto, M., Bandeira S., Hollander J., Hume D., Campira J. & JB. Adams (in review) Sentinel-2 and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for mapping seagrass habitats in Southern Mozambique. Regional Studies in Marine Science

Shalli MS., Mushi M., Lugendo BR., Shaghude YW., Wegoro J. & J. Hollander (in review) Community perceptions on coastal erosion and ecosystem services of seagrass meadows in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Marine Policy

Baumler, R., Carrera-Arce, M., & J. Hollander (2024) COVID-19 Crisis – The “everything shock” in shipping. Research funded by the Swedish Government. Report

Lugendo B., Wegoro J., Shaghude Y., Pamba S., Makemie M. & J. Hollander (2024) Spatially seagrass mapping across the cost of Tanzania. Ocean & Coastal Management 253: 107169.


Hu N., Bourdeau PE. & J. Hollander (2024) Responses of Marine Trophic Levels to the Combined Effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming. Nature Communications 15: 3400

Hollander J., Neat F. & T. Crowe (2024) The Blue Economic Transition Needed for a Sustainable Tomorrow. (eds.) The Elgar Companion. (Book)

Carrera-Arce M., R. Baumler & J. Hollander (2023) A systematic review of assessment methods for seafarers’ mental health and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. INQUIRY 60: January-December 2023.

Hu N., Hollander J., Brönmark C. & A. Persson (2023) Ocean acidification and predation risk show strong effects on marine mussels in isolation and combination. Marine Ecology Progress Series 721: 71-83.


Amone-Mabuto M., Mubai M., Bandeira S., Shalli MS., Adams JB., Lugendo B. & J. Hollander (2023) Community perceptions on the role of seagrass ecosystems for coastal protection. Ocean and Coastal Management 244: 106811.

Hollander J., Doelle M. & PA. Olsson (2022) Introduction – Nature-based Solutions for coastal protection. Nordic Journal of Botany (Special Issue). doi: 10.1111/njb.03940

Nordh D., Goodfellow B., Hollander J. & P. Danielsson (2022) A Review of Environmental Aspects of Beach Nourishment. Uppdragsgivare: Regional Kustsamverkan. (pdf)

Wegoro J., Pamba S., George R., Hollander J. & B. Lugendo (2022) Seagrass restoration in a high-energy environment in the Western Indian Ocean. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 278: 108119. (pdf)


Van Well L., Isayeva A., Olsson PA. & J. Hollander (2022) Public perceptions of cultural ecosystem services provided by beach nourishment and eelgrass restoration in Southern Sweden. Nordic Journal of Botany e03654. (pdf)

Amone-Mabuto M., J. Hollander, B. Lugendo, J.B. Adams & S. Bandeira (2022) A field experiment exploring disturbance-and-recovery, and restoration methodology of Zostera capensis to support its role as a coastal protector. Nordic Journal of Botany e03632. (pdf)

Kindeberg T., Olsson PA., Almström B., Skoog M. & J. Hollander (2022) Toward a multifunctional nature-based coastal defense – a review of the interaction between beach nourishment and ecological restoration. Nordic Journal of Botany e03751. (pdf)


Neat F. & J. Hollander (2022) Ocean health for ocean wealth and a sustainable tomorrow. A Sustainable Magazine. A Sustainable Tomorrow

Hu N., Brönmark C., Bourdeau PE. & J. Hollander (2022) Marine gastropods at higher trophic levels show stronger tolerance to ocean acidification. OIKOS e08890. (pdf)

Hu N., Bourdeau PE., Halos C., Liu Y. & J. Hollander (2022) Meta-analysis reveals variance in tolerance to climate change across marine trophic levels. Science of the Total Environment​ 827: 154244.

Wegoro J., Lugendo B., Pamba S. & J. Hollander (2021) Seagrass restoration successful in Tanzania. WIOMSA Science NEWS.

Liu M., Wang H., Wang H., Ma S., Yu Q., Balal U.K., Li Y., Hollander J. & E. Jeppesen (2021) Decreasing toxicity of un-ionized ammonia on the gastropod Bellamya aeruginosa when moving from laboratory to field scale. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 227: 112933.


Bethel L., Hollander J. & H. Jessen (2021) Implementing the Port State Measures Agreement to Combat Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing in the Caribbean. Marine Policy 132: 104643.

Hollander J. (2021) Fysisk planering av kust och hav. In: Henrik Nilsson & Robert Dobak (eds.), Länstyrelsen Kalmar län, World Maritime University (Book)


Martinez-Garcia L., Hansson B. & J. Hollander (2021) Assessment of local genetic structure and connectivity of the common eelgrass (Zostera marina) for seagrass restoration in northern Europe. MEPS 664: 103-116. 

Hollander J., O. Linden, M. Gudka, M. I. Duncan, D. Obura, N. James, R. Bhagooli, J. Nyanapah, C. Onyango, J. Duvane, Y. Louis, D. Ngotho, E. Mvungi, F. Mamboya, R. George, H. Hamad, M. Issa Hamisi, B. Adeleke, E. Ngoa, J. Harlay, N. Oduor, E. Fondo, N. Wambiji, L. Raharinaivo, A. Winkler, G. Okemwa, J. Karisa, M. Madi Bamdou, K. Mtaki, J. Randrianandrasana (2020) Marine organisms response to climate change effects in the Wester Indian Ocean. Journal of the Indian Ocean Rim Studies 3: 33-59. (Special Issue on Blue Economy, pdf) 

Marques JP., Sotelo G., Galindo J., Chaube P., Costa D., Afonso S., Panova M., Nowick K., Butlin R., Hollander J., & R. Faria (2020) Transcriptomic resources for evolutionary studies in flat periwinkles and related species. Scientific Data 7:73. 

Costa D., Sotelo G., Kaliontzopoulou A., Carvalho J., Butlin R., Hollander J., & R. Faria (2020) Hybridization patterns between two marine snails, Littorina fabalis and L. obtusataEcology and Evolution 10: 1158-1179.

Berglund E., Fogelberg V., Nilsson P.A. & J. Hollander (2019) Microplastics in a freshwater mussel (Anodonta anatina) in northern Europe. Science of the Total Environment 697: 134192.

Hollander J., M. Montano-Rendon, G. Bianco, X. Yang, AM Westram, L. Duvaux, DG. Reid & RK. Butlin (2018) Are assortative mating and genital divergence driven by reinforcement? Evolution Letters 2: 557-566.

Zhang H. Hollander J. & L-A Hansson (2017) Bi-directional plasticity: Rotifer prey adjust spine length to different predator regimes. Scientific Reports 7: 10254.

Hollander J, Ahlgren J & C Brönmark (2017) Rates of gene flow in a freshwater snail and the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 121: 764-770.

Hollander J, Harlos C & TC Edgell (2017) We looked at 1,154 climate science results and found no evidence of ‘publication bias'. The Conversation, UK. (

Harlos C, Edgell TC & J. Hollander (2017) No evidence of publication bias in climate-change science. Climatic Change 140: 375–385. doi: 10.1007/s10584-016-1880-1

Hollander J, Harlos C & TC Edgell (2017) No publication bias in global climate change research. Published in ScienceNordic and ForskerZonen.

Brink E, Hanson H, Ekroos J, Hollander J, Alkan Olsson J, Rummukainen M, Olsson P-Å, Sidemo Holm, W, Knaggård Å & T Thoni (2017) Ekosystembaserad klimatanpassning: konceptualisering och kunskapsöversyn. Centrum för miljö- och klimatforskning, CEC syntes Nr. 04, Lund University.

Li Z, He L, Zhang  H, Urruia-Cordero P, Ekvall MK, Hollander J & L-A Hansson (2016) Climate warming and heat waves affect reproductive strategies and interactions between submerged macrophytes. Global Change Biology 23: 108-116. doi: 10.1111/gcb.13405

Hollander J & PE Bourdeau (2016) Evidence of weaker phenotypic plasticity by prey to novel cues from non-native predators. Ecology and Evolution 6: 5358–5365. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2271

Lindén O & J Hollander (2016) BAPCO Marine Environmental Assessment – Report from the marine survey 2015. The Bahrain Petroleum Company. Williamssons offsettryck AB, Sweden, 2016. Pp. 1-54.

Hollander J, Snell-Rood EC & SA Foster (2015) New frontiers in phenotypic plasticity and evolution. Heredity 115: 273-275.

Bourdeau P, Butlin RK, Brönmark C, Edgell TC Hooverman JT & J Hollander (2015) What can aquatic gastropods tell us about phenotypic plasticity? A review and meta-analysis. Heredity 115: 312-321. doi: 10.1038/hdy.2015.58

Hollander J, Blomfeldt J, Carlsson P & Å Strand (2015) Effects of the alien pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) on subtidal macrozoobenthos communities. Marine Biology 162: 547-555.

Hollander J, Galindo J & RK Butlin (2015) Selection on outlier loci and association with phenotype in Littorina saxatilis contact zones. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28: 328-37. doi: 10.1111/jeb.12564

Laugen AT, Hollander J, Obst M & Å Strand (2015) The Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) invasion in Scandinavian coastal waters: impact on local ecosystem services. In: João Canning Clode (eds.) Biological Invasions in Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems: Ecological Impacts, Predictions and Management. Versita. (Book)

Butlin RK, Saura M, Charrier G, Jackson B, Andre C, Caballero A, Coyne JA, Galindo J, Grahame JW, Hollander J, Kemppainen P, Martinez-Fernandez M, Panova M, Quesada H, Johannesson K & E Rolán-Alvarez (2014) Parallel evolution of local adaptation and reproductive isolation in the face of gene flow. Evolution 68: 935-949. 

doi: 10.1111/evo.12329

Hollander J, Verzijden M, Svensson E & C Brönmark (2014) Dispersal and Phenotypic Plasticity. In: Hansson L-A, Åkesson S (eds.) Animal Movement Across Scales. Oxford University Press. Pp. 110-125.

doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199677184.001.0001 (Book)

Hansson L-A, Hollander J. et al. (2014) A synthesis of animal movement across scales. In: Hansson L-A, Åkesson S. (eds) Animal Movement Across Scales. Oxford University Press. Pp. 259-267.

doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199677184.001.0001 (Book)

Hulthén K, Chapman B, Nilsson AP, Hollander J & C Brönmark (2014) Express yourself: bold individuals induce enhanced morphological defences. Proceedings of Royal Society B 281: 1-8. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2013.2703

Hollander J, Smadja CM, Butlin RK & DG Reid (2013) Genital divergence in sympatric sister snails. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 210-215. doi: 10.1111/jeb.12029

Brönmark C, Lakowtiz T, Nilsson AP, Ahlgren J, Lennartsdotter C & J Hollander (2012) Costs of inducible defence along a resource gradient. PLoS ONE 7: e30467.


Edgell TC & J Hollander (2011) Lessons in modern evolutionary biology: The European green crab in America. In: Galil B, Clark P (eds.) In the wrong place: alien marine Crustaceans - distribution, biology and impacts. Springer Series. Pp. 641-659. (Book)


Brönmark C, Lakowtiz T & J Hollander (2011) Predator-induced morphological plasticity across local populations of a fresh water snail. PLoS ONE 6: e21773.

Hollander J & RK Butlin (2010) The adaptive value of phenotypic plasticity in two ecotypes of a marine gastropod. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 333. [DESIGNATED AS “HIGHLY ACCESSED”]

Sadedin S, Hollander J, Panova M, Johannesson K & S Gavrilets (2009) Case studies and mathematical models of ecological speciation 3: Ecotype formation in a Swedish snail. Molecular Ecology 18: 4006-4023. [COVER ILLUSTRATION] doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2009.04320.x

Uller T, Hollander J, Astheimer L & M Olsson (2009) Sex-specific developmental plasticity in response to yolk corticosterone in an oviparous lizard. Journal of Experimental Biology 212: 1087-1091. doi: 10.1242/jeb.024257

Kemppainen P, Panova M, Hollander J & K Johannesson (2009) Complete lack of mitochondrial divergence between two species of NE Atlantic marine intertidal gastropods. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 2000-2011.

doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2009.01810.x

Johannesson K, Sundin A, Lindegarth M, Jonsson PR, Havenhand JN & J Hollander (2008) Male discrimination of female mucous trails permits assortative mating in a marine snail species. Evolution 62: 3178-3184.

doi: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2008.00510.x

Hollander J (2008) Testing the grain-size model for the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. Evolution 62: 1381-1389. [COVER ACKNOWLEDGMENT] 

Conde-Padin P, Cruz R, Hollander J & E Rolan Alvarez (2008) Revealing the mechanisms of sexual isolation in a case of sympatric and parallel ecological divergence. Biological Journal of Linnean Society 94: 513-526.

Hollander J, Adams DC & K Johannesson (2006) Evolution of adaptation through allometric shifts in a marine snail. Evolution 60: 2490-2497.

Hollander J, Collyer ML, Adams DC & K Johannesson (2006) Phenotypic plasticity in two marine snails: constraints superseding life-history. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19: 1861-1872.

doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2006.01171.x

Panova M, Hollander J & K Johannesson (2006) Site-specific genetic divergence in parallel hybrid zones suggests non-allopatric evolution of reproductive barriers. Molecular Ecology 15: 4021-4031.

Hollander J, Lindegarth M & K. Johannesson (2005) Local adaptation but not geographic separation promotes assortative mating in a snail - support for ecological speciation. Animal Behaviour 70: 1209-1217.

- Albert Einstein -

“If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?”


Hollander Lab

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