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Welcome to the Hollander Lab – our research focuses on various aspects of marine science, with a strong emphasis on habitat restorations. Our group is dedicated to applied science in areas such as global climate change effects, ecosystem-based adaptations, nature-based solutions, and sustainable management. In both Sweden and the Western Indian Ocean, we study the restoration of seagrass meadows. We aim to understand how these restorations enhance biodiversity and carbon sequestration (blue carbon), reduce wave energy, and contribute to socio-economic benefits. Our work highlights the critical role of seagrass meadows in supporting and sustaining vital ecosystem services.


We also have a great interest in how marine organisms, particular from different trophic levels apply various developmental strategies to adapt to a changing environment. This research includes both basic research as well as the question whether natural populations can adapt to anthropogenic stress and climate change.


Students who are interested in joining the lab should contact Johan Hollander via email, describing a specific line of investigation relevant to the research goals of the lab. 


Our recent research about how combined ocean climate change effects influence trophic levels has been published in the prestigious journal of "Nature Communications" 

New Special Issue with the focus on Nature-Based Solutions for Coastal Protection

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New publication in OIKOS

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New publication in Science of the Total Environment

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Congratulation Jane on your PhD title!

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We are happy to share that the European Commission has decided to support the lab with with a research grant focusing on seagrasses and ecosystem services at the Republic of Mauritius for five years. The research will be in collaboration with the NGO Reef Conservation and Södertörn University.

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Hollander Lab

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